Flexy Brush - For Detangling and "Curl Clumping"


Built strong, durable, lightweight and easy to clean. Great for shower use, combing through curls with conditioner, removing tangles or shampoo massaging to clean the scalp.


The Best Detangling and "Curl Clumping" Brush.

  • Built strong, durable, lightweight and easy to clean.
  • Great for shower use, combing through curls with conditioner, removing tangles or shampoo massaging to clean the scalp.
  • Amazing for "Curl Clumping" and definition for thick bouncy curls.
  • Its open cushion concept eliminates bacteria or product build up in the shower.
  • The Flexy Brush has flexible multi dimensional silicone bristles for sensitive scalps & stubborn knots.
  • The Flexy Brush exfoliates the scalp while detangling, stimulates blood circulation and minimizes hair loss.
  • Can be used on wigs, extensions and blow-dry styling.

Always start from the ends (tips) and work your way to the roots. The longer, more flexible bristles exfoliate the scalp whilst the shorter bristles will remove tangles.


Flexy Brush

- Great for kids
- Durable
- Lightweight and easy to clean
- Great for shower use

Videos & Tips

Find out what Bianca Renee thinks about our Slip™ Detangler and Flexy Brush. The Flexy Brush is the best detangling brush on wet or dry curls. Great for shower use, combing through curls with conditioner, removing tangles or shampoo massaging to clean the scalp.

  • For Kinky CurlKinkyCurl
  • For Loose CurlLooseCurl
  • For Medium CurlMediumCurl
  • For Tight CurlTightCurl